Everyone knows, and can see, that music invokes a response from us. Whether it is a healthy or destructive response, music reaches inside of us and pulls out what we desire to be passionate about in that moment. Its created for that purpose and different people respond to different types of music.
Over the years, I have appreciated many different styles of music. However, I have realized that I am mostly drawn to anything with a good beat. It causes something in me to want to react to it. One part of me is a bit feisty and somewhat of a fighter. I am not a physical fighter...I don't beat people up.
That being said, I won't back down from an argument either...my husband can attest to that! I don't often roll over and let someone walk all over me. During my 15th and 16th year...I found myself in a confrontational season of life at high school, at home and with God. On one occasion a girl from high school gathered her friends, surrounded me and attempted to intimidate me verbally, in hopes that I would end my “relationship” with a guy. Most girls would have sheepishly said nothing...not I. I stood up for myself and was a little ballsy. I threw in a few smart comments in to my “conversation” with them. Like I said...a bit feisty.
Having a bit of that feisty quality in me, I find I enjoy music that stirs up the fighter within me. Thankfully through loving Jesus, He has been able to channel that in a healthy way for me. It has been wonderful with working out many different feelings with God. It has worked well with how I pray and how I worship. Lots of worship music stirs my spirit...but nothing more instantly like a loud drum line or African drum beat in a song. It stirs up the warrior in me. The warrior who wants to battle injustice, contend for freedom for everyone, break through to be a better me. It's important to know ourselves. To know why we make the choices we do. I like drum lines and African drum beats....because I am feisty...because I am a fighter...because I am a warrior. What about you?
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